Noise measurement

Do your citizens complain about high noise levels around them or the constant disturbance of the night's peace? Resolve complaints and install smart sensors in problem areas.


Noise measurement

Where to use the sensors

In the vicinity of factories and production plants
In the working environment
For busy roads
Violation of the night quiet


Benefits for municipalities and citizens

Online entry to places that may be of interest to citizens

Easy display on the public dashboard of the municipality in one place.

Increased security in the municipality.


Benefits for municipalities and citizens

  1. Citizens have repeatedly complained about traffic noise.
  2. Install smart sensors around busy local roads.
  3. The sensors measure noise over a long time and clearly display statistics in the Sencito mobile application. 
  4. When the set limits are exceeded, it will notify you by a push notification.
  5. You can share measured statistics with your citizens - for example on a public dashboard on your website.
  6. The obtained noise data will help you, for example, when deciding on constructing a bypass.